My Class

My Class

Direction: Ekaterina Eremenko


Germany, Great Britain, 2007
90 Min.

Matussek's voyages Our 19-Sixties - How we became what we are

zero one film in Coproduction with rbb (D), ARTE (D/F), Maximage (CH), BBC (GBR).

World Premiere: Apr 26, 2008, FILMKUNST 66, Berlin
TV premiere: Apr 7, 2009, 4/7/2009


1982: 26 young people at the most privileged
scientific school of the Soviet Union are accepted.
The attendance of this school guarantees a much
promising future. But then the Perestroika comes...


Festival „Kinoteatr.doc“ (Russia), 2008

Special Prize for „The Document of the Epoch“

International Festival „Frescoes of the North“ (Russia), 2008

Special Prize

Russian National Award „Lavr“(Russia), 2008

nominated for Best Art-Film