The Kids Are Dead

The Kids Are Dead

Direction: Aelrun Goette


Germany, 2003
80 Min.

Schicksalsspiel - Bernd Stange im Irak A Child From Afar

zero one film in Coproduction with SWR, BR, Arte.
Funded by Filmboard Berlin-Brandenburg.

Rental: Ventura Film
World Distribution: Telepool

World Premiere: Oct 23, 2003, Internationale Hofer Filmtage
Cinema premiere: Mar 11, 2004


In the densely populated community, living in prefabricated
houses in Frankfurt-Oder/Germany,
two children die from thirst and neglect - while the
neighbours ignore their cries for help. In this painful
study of the depth of the human soul Aelrun Goette
explores a community, where sheer exhaustion,
loneliness and hopelessness have culminated in a
tragic catastrophe.


German Film Award (Germany), 2004

Oustanding Documentary

Prix Média (France), 2006

Best Documentary

Visions du Réel Nyon (France), 2004

Competition regrads neufs/Prix etat de vaud