The People vs. Fritz Bauer
Direction: Lars Kraume
zero one film in Coproduction with ARTE (DE/FR), HR (DE), BR( DE), Terz Film (DE).
Funded by Film- und Medienstiftung NRW, FFA, Filmförderung Hamburg Schleswig-Holstein, Hessische Filmförderung, DFFF.
Rental: Alamode Film
World Distribution: Beta Cinema
World Premiere: Aug 7, 2015, Internationales Filmfestival Locarno
Cinema premiere: Oct 1, 2015
In 1957, the Hessian attorney general Fritz Bauer receives crucial evidence on the whereabouts of SS-Obersturmbannführer Adolf Eichmann. The lieutenant colonel, responsible for the mass deportation of the Jews, is allegedly hiding in Buenos Aires. Bauer, himself Jewish, tries to take crimes from the Third Reich to court, ever since he returned from Danish exile. So far, without success, due of the fi erce German determination to repress its sinister past. Because of his distrust in the German justice system, Fritz Bauer contacts the Israeli secret service Mossad, and by doing so, commits treason. Bauer is not bend on revenge for the holocaust - he is concerned with the German future.
68. Festival del Film Locarno 2015
Piazza Grande Audience Award
German Film Award, 2016
Best fiction film : Thomas Kufus
Günter Rohrbach Preis 2015
Best music: Julian Maas, Christoph M. Kaiser
Bavarian Film Awards, 2016
Best leading actor: Burghart Klaußner
Filmkunstmesse Leipzig 2015 (AG Kino– Gilde e.V.)
German Cinema Guild Prize in the national categorie
German Actor Awards 2016
Best supporting character: Ronald Zehrfeld
German Film Award for Peace 2016
Actor prize: Burghart Klaußner
German Film Award, 2016
Best costume design: Esther Walz
German Film Award, 2016
Best scenery: Cora Pratz
German Film Award, 2016
Best supporting character: Ronald Zehrfeld
German Film Award, 2016
Best direction: Lars Kraume
German Film Award, 2016
Best script : Lars Kraume, Oliver Guez
German Film Critics' Prize 2015
Best actor: Burghart Klaußner
German Film Critics' Prize 2015
Best movie
Günter Rohrbach Preis 2015
Best leading actor: Burghart Klaußner
Hessischer Film- und Kinopreis 2015
Feature film
Kinofest Lünen 2015
"Perle": Barbara Schnitt