24h Bayern - Ein Tag Heimat

24h Bayern - Ein Tag Heimat

Direction: Volker Heise, diverse


Germany, 2017
1440 Min.

The Silent Revolution BEUYS

zero one film in Coproduction with megaherz GmbH.
By order of Bayerischer Rundfunk.

TV premiere: Jun 5, 2017, 05.06.2017



The documentary portrays one day in Bavaria from the perspective of its inhabitants. It is shot in real-time - thus 24 hours long - aiming at realistically depicting the daily routine of people living in Bavaria.


Director: Volker Heise
Coordination shooting: Yan Schönefeld
Casting/ Research: Britt Beyer
Production management: Tassilo Aschauer
film management: Jenny Guillarmain
Producer: Thomas Kufus, Fidelis Mager, Franz Gernstl
and many more