The Flat
Direction: Arnon Goldfinger
zero one film in Coproduction with ZDF, SWR,Noga Communications - Channel 8, Arte.
Funded by FFA,Medienboard Berlin-Brandenburg, DFFF,New Israeli Film Foundation for Cinema and Television.
Rental: Edition Salzgeber
World Distribution: Ruth Diskin Films
World Premiere: Jul 11, 2011, Jerusalem Film Festival
Cinema premiere: Jun 14, 2012
TV premiere: Nov 25, 2013, 11/25/2013
When director Arnon Goldfinger dissolves his late
grandmother´s flat in Tel Aviv he stumbles upon a
well-kept secret. His Jewish grandparent´s entertained
an unexpected friendship with a former SSofficer!
This discovery leaves the descendant puzzled
and sends him and his mother on an emotional
journey into his family´s past.
Bavarian Film Award (Germany), 2012
Best Documentary
Documentary Filmmakers Forum Award, 2011
Best Documentary
German Film and Media Institut, 2012
Distingiushed as Especially Valuable Documentary
Documentary Filmmakers Forum Award, 2011
Best Director
The Israeli Film Academy Award, 2011
Best Documentary
The Jerusalem Film Festival Award for Documentary,2011
Best Director
The Krakow Film Festival (Poland), 2012
Best Documentary
The Miniapolis International Film Festival (USA),2012
Best Documentary
The New Zealand Documentary Edge, 2012
Honorable Mention
The Toronto Jewish Film Festival (Canada), 2012
David E. Stein Award FIPRESCI
The Toronto Jewish Film Festival (Canada), 2012
Best Documentary
The Tribeca Film Festival (USA) 2012
Best Editing Documentary
Traverse City Film Festival, Michigan (USA), 2012
Special Jury Prize